Sunday, September 26, 2010

I was meant to be free..

This is about my vision for my life. A vision statement is a vivid description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and helps you paint a mental picture of your target. The other day I wrote out some "Vision Thoughts" for myself. Call them affirmations, declarations, dreams, whatever you will. I suppose this qualifies as my 'vision statement'. I'm sure it will be refined over time, but for now these are the thoughts that inspire, energize, and motivate me to build a better life for myself and those I love. Perhaps you can relate to one or two of these thoughts. The vision thoughts (or statements) are written bolder and larger for a reason.

And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time. Hab. 2:2,3 The Message

I was not meant to sit behind a desk!

I was meant to be free to move, and I'm moving toward that vision.

I was not meant to toil at tasks menial and tedious, depressing and rote, mindless and numbing!

I was meant to be free to push my mind in new and fresh directions, seeking innovative and unique methods.

I was not meant to punch a time clock every day!

I was meant to be free to start my day spending as much time as my spirit needs, talking with my Father.

I was not meant to be enslaved to an 8, 9, 10 or more hour workday, day after day after endless day!

I was meant to be free to spend as much time as necessary with my children, to show my love for them.

I was not meant to stop dreaming!

I was meant to be free to dream big, giant dreams, Technicolor 3D dreams, and watch them come true.

I was not meant to live in a pale, pastel world devoid of color and vibrancy!

I was meant to live with passion, color, vibrancy and joy~I was meant to live a life of purpose.

I was not meant to live a life solely concerned with myself and my circumstances!

I was born again to serve; meant to live a life of helping others rise to their true potential and be all that God has called them to be, enjoying the blessings obtained by helping others, as well.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Power of a Note

How often do we think "thank you" in our heads but neglect to come out and say it, much less take the time to actually sit down and write a note?

Recently, I penned a short thank you note to someone who did something nice for my daughter and I. Honestly, I can't even remember my exact words, but they came from the heart. I received this communication the other day, weeks after sending the short thank you note. While in a business meeting, she received my note. Her reaction to my few short lines was unexpected and heartwarming.

'Hi! Oh, my goodness, that was so sweet of you! Tears came to my eyes when I read it. I have saved it in my "treasure box" with other communications from friends and family that I have received over the years.'

I'd forgotten about the note soon after sending it, and had to think a moment to mentally identify what this lady was referring to. Since she mentioned putting it in a treasure box, I knew it wasn't an email. When I recalled writing the note and the reason behind it, it warmed my heart that such a small thing to me should have such an impact on her life. To think that she placed such great value on a few words of thanks from a mere acquaintance really touched me. For anything I do, say or write to be treasured and kept close to someone else's heart is a wonderful gift.

I was reminded how important it is to guard our words, as well as how valuable and impactful a simple "thank you" can be when it comes from the heart. And a note in particular, something a person can hold in their hand, read and re-read at will, is extra special. In this day of texting, emailing and instant messaging to take the time to actually hand write a note says you put a little extra time and thought into that particular "thank you".

Has someone done something nice for you lately? If so, have you thanked them? From the heart? In writing? Take a moment and ask yourself to whom you need to say "thank you" today...and write them a note. It could change their day, perhaps even their life, in a positive way. It could start a wonderful, thankful chain reaction. It could end up in a box of treasures, resting there for years to come, pulled out lovingly from time to time, held in thankful hands, re-read, causing a smile, and blessing a heart.

And that, my friends, is a precious thing.

'Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.' ~ J. M. Barrie