Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Dreams WILL come true!

My Dream

I'm a single mom of two and until recently, I had big dreams but no solid plan for making them come true. My financial future? No solid plan for it, either. Most folks I know live from paycheck to paycheck, just like I did. That means if we continue to live this way, we will need to work at our jobs for the rest of our lives, and never have the time or money to do the things we love with the ones we love. Not exactly the American Dream, is it?

I have dreams to follow and goals to achieve! I want to have the time and resources I need to pursue my passion. I want the freedom to help, inspire and bless people without being chained to a day (or night) job, and without wondering how I'm going to get the bills paid every month. Whether it's by way of what I do or what I say, my passion is to help others full time...and I have some pretty big ideas on how to make that dream come true.

I want time with my family and friends, and I want to make a difference for as many people as possible in the time God gives me. I don't need recognition, fame, power, etc. I don't even need tons of money. I need the same amount everyone else does~enough for it not to be a problem. All I want is to be able to take care of necessary expenses and have some extra to do the things that make life worthwhile. Thank God I now have a plan to make that happen.

Making it Happen

So, how do I plan to get to the point of having the time and the resources to pursue my passion full time? I am an independent business owner working with the world’s largest telecommunications and home services provider. This very reputable and successful company has a very doable 3 to 5 year plan where I can retire from the rat race with lifetime residual income. Residuals are like royalties..."movie star money" as my friend calls it. If you make a movie, record a song or get a book published (one of those dreams I have to pursue!), every time someone pays to see your movie, buys your CD or your book, you receive some money – residual money. You do the work once and you continue to get paid over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against traditional jobs. Lord knows I've had plenty of them. But working a job means you trade your time for money, whether you work hourly, salary, or commission. Time away from your family, time you could spend following your passion. And the truth is, if you don’t work, then you don’t get paid. Not true with residual income...and therein lies the secret to leveraging your time.


I am working with some very positive and inspiring people. I like the fact that in order to be successful, you have to help others to be successful. It’s not complicated; I really only do two things. I share what I have found with people looking for other means of income. If they are interested, I personally help them get started in their own business. I teach them what I've learned and I help them do the same. I help them build their business and work their way closer to making their dreams come true. The second thing I do is redirect telecom and home services (cell phones, internet, home phones, satellite TV, gas and electricity) that people already pay for, often saving my customers money. I either help people save money, or make money.

Prime Time, Baby!

What I am really excited about, and what distinguishes this company from any other company that I’ve worked with, is that on March 27, Donald Trump is featuring us on The Celebrity Apprentice. Check it out at 9:00 pm EST/8:00 pm Central! I like the idea of a billionaire businessman giving MY business good press on national television in prime time :) Pretty cool, yeah? That sort of thing doesn't happen to me every day, and I'm pretty jazzed about it.

Credit Where Credit is Due

I give God the credit for bringing me this opportunity to make my dreams come true. There's no doubt in my mind this is what I call "A God deal". There have been many times in my life I've prayed for answers, for guidance, for direction. I don't plan to stop any time soon. I don't always get it right, but I've learned how to recognize the signs of "A God deal" when it comes my way. This is one of those times. See, I don't believe in coincidence, or luck, or fate. I believe everything is either a blessing from God, or it isn't. Keeps things pretty simple, and I like simple. I can handle simple.

The truth is, God wants me to prosper. He says it clearly, all over His Word. I have confidence that God meant what He said, and that He will back up His promises. I trust Him to keep His Word. He's never let me down, and I don't expect Him to start today. Continue to build your trust and confidence in God; He will never let you down. For help along those lines, be sure to check out my friend Mike's blog on Confidence and Joy.

God bless you~never give up on your dreams! And if you want to know more about how I'm making mine come true, check out my website here.
God bless