Thursday, April 26, 2012

Open Doors
Chere Poole

as I walk along my path
unsure of what to do
I promise that
if You open a door
I will walk on through

Observing your wonders around me
moments of beauty
before me unfold
As your woman
I want to honor You
to walk with love
to be bold

I want to
hit the sweet spot
in the center of
Your will
to bring Your peace
to others
and help their hearts
be still

I want to love
with fierceness
and see Your story unfold
as I walk
where You would
have me walk
and tell the story
You want told

My heart burns
with a deep desire
to fulfill Your master plan
to hold forth the Truth
of Your matchless Word
and on that rock
to stand

You promise me
a life of peace
and joy
As I cast my cares
upon You
Your serenity
I employ

I know that You will
work it out
as I take one step
at a time
And when I'm
holding hands with You 
there's no mountain
I can't climb

You see into my heart
Dear God
and smile at what you find
A woman with a will
to love,
Your spirit
and Christ's mind

I put my trust in You
O Lord
I know you'll see me through
and as I love
You'll open doors
and I will walk on through