Saturday, July 28, 2012

On the Verge of Victory

A new friend shared a quote with me this week that I found particularly appropos. 

“I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.”~ Mother Teresa

If I'm honest, that's how I've been feeling this week. I've been pushing so hard for so long, it seems, to take the steps God wants me to take to lay hold of the things He's prepared for me. This week, it's felt like one step forward, two steps back in every area of life in which I tried to make progress. And I did make some was just extremely hard won. You might say, most days it was a big ol' hairy fight! And it's not over.

There have been financial challenges, physical challenges, mental challenges, emotional challenges and yes, spiritual challenges. Usually I can handle the challenges that come my way. But then again, they usually don't all gang up on me at one time until I feel like my head is being swallowed by some unseen monster, and I may never see the light of day again.

I keep telling myself I'm on the verge of victory, that it's right there, just around the corner, and if I stretch just a little farther, hold on a little longer, push just a little harder, I can grab hold. The fight will be worth it. I can picture the victory, I know what it will feel like, I just have to hang in there. I just have to never, ever quit.

I looked up the quote my new friend mentioned, and I found another I liked even better.

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”

and another...

“May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”

And so I continue to reach high for the stars hidden in my soul. I continue to dream deep. I trust God when I don't trust myself. I know He has not endowed me with the gifts, strengths, talents, abilities and insight He has for these things to lie fallow, unused, uncultivated, inactive, producing nothing. He wants my dreams to come true even more than I do. Because He loves me.

Because I know He loves me, and because I love Him, I push. I reach. I dream. I may cry, I may falter, but I won't quit. I won't give up. No matter what anyone says. No matter who understands, or doesn't. No matter who is in my corner, or if that corner contains only me. I will trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be. I will be content with myself just the way I am. I will remember that without Him, I can do nothing.

I will sing. I will dance. I will praise, and above all...I will love. What I won't do is give up.

Victory will be mine. Because with God, all things are possible.

Jeremiah 32:27~I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
Luke 1:37~ For nothing is impossible with God.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fullness of Joy

Here's a poem I wrote back in 2004. I thought it was time to dust it off and bring it out again. I still feel the way I did the day I wrote it. God is good and life as His child is the best. Thank you, Father, for your tender care.


Thank You For The Blue Sky Above
And All Your Works, In Every Place
Thank You For Your Banner Of Love
That Covers Me Every Day

Thank You For Fullness Of Joy
You Give Us When We’re Born Again
The Light That Shines On The Path Of Life
Shows Us How To Walk So We Win

Thank You For Your Son Jesus Christ
My Big Brother, My Savior And Lord
Seated At Your Own Right Hand
Our Example Of Living Your Word

Fullness Of Joy, Fullness Of Joy
My Heart Rejoices At Your Word
Sweeter Than Anything Else On Earth
The Joy Of Every Believer

Thank You For The Strength To Endure
Every Day, As We Run The Race
Looking To Our Lord Jesus Christ
Author And Finisher Of Our Faith

Thank You For Never Turning Away
When I Come To You Asking For Help
Faithful To Keep All Your Promises
Your Love Delivers Me And Lifts Me Up

Fullness Of Joy, Fullness Of Joy
My Heart Rejoices At Your Word
Sweeter Than Anything Else On Earth
The Joy Of Every Believer

Unshakeable, Unmoveable Joy
Confounding The Enemy All Around
Renewing My Mind And Standing Strong
Your Love Causes Me To Abound

Walking In Fellowship With You
Makes My Joy Overflow
Helping Others To See The Light
There’s No Greater Joy I Know

Fullness Of Joy, Fullness Of Joy
My Heart Rejoices At Your Word
Sweeter Than Anything Else On Earth
It’s The Joy Of Every Believer

Copyright ©2004 All rights reserved

Monday, May 28, 2012

These words ring loudly in my ears today:

'We have to learn to be patient, and keep up our vigil over our dreams. You say "What is that vigil?"...sow a seed of faith...sow the Word of God...sow financially as God tells you good to other people, keep a good, positive confession, stay patient, sweet and nice while you wait and...there's no way the devil can keep you from having what God wants you to have...those things just work; they absolutely work.' Joyce Meyer

Keeping my vigil today, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to those that are ahead, looking forward with eager anticipation to the joys that lay before me. I'm so glad I am a child of God!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tiny Babe

Though these days are behind me now, I was inspired recently to pull out a poem I wrote while pregnant with my second child. I wrote this poem mere days before her unexpectedly premature birth. My niece, whom I've never met, is now pregnant with her first child and experiencing the flutters, kicks and punches that signify steady growth of her much-anticipated bundle of joy. I am able to share these milestones with her through the wonder of Facebook, something unheard of just 12 short years ago when this poem was written for my beautiful, limitless Lizzie.


Tiny babe alive inside me
each new day I feel your dance
Gently moving, stretching, turning
tiny fluttering feet and hands

What part of me will I see in you?
I sit and ponder as you grow
What potential lies within you?
only God in heaven knows

Oh, the joys that here await you
though the sorrows, too, will come
With my love I'll shield and guide you
my sweet, precious little one

Soon the day will come when I will
hold you gently in my arms
And you'll capture hearts of many
with your own peculiar charms

Tiny babe alive inside me
so much lies ahead for you
In this wide, wide world of wonders
The path you travel is up to you

I'll do my best to instruct you
in the wisest course to choose
But in the end I'll have to trust you
And promise to love you, win or lose

Such a rare and wondrous thing
this tiny life inside of me
I thank God daily for the joy
and love
and light
Your life will bring

by: Chere Poole
All rights reserved

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Open Doors
Chere Poole

as I walk along my path
unsure of what to do
I promise that
if You open a door
I will walk on through

Observing your wonders around me
moments of beauty
before me unfold
As your woman
I want to honor You
to walk with love
to be bold

I want to
hit the sweet spot
in the center of
Your will
to bring Your peace
to others
and help their hearts
be still

I want to love
with fierceness
and see Your story unfold
as I walk
where You would
have me walk
and tell the story
You want told

My heart burns
with a deep desire
to fulfill Your master plan
to hold forth the Truth
of Your matchless Word
and on that rock
to stand

You promise me
a life of peace
and joy
As I cast my cares
upon You
Your serenity
I employ

I know that You will
work it out
as I take one step
at a time
And when I'm
holding hands with You 
there's no mountain
I can't climb

You see into my heart
Dear God
and smile at what you find
A woman with a will
to love,
Your spirit
and Christ's mind

I put my trust in You
O Lord
I know you'll see me through
and as I love
You'll open doors
and I will walk on through

Friday, March 2, 2012


Life is full of powerful reminders of all we have to be thankful for, and all God has done for us. If we keep our eyes open, we will see them.

This morning on the way back from dropping my daughter off at school, I stopped at the post office to check my mail. As I was leaving, I noticed a man digging a new grave at the pretty little cemetery across the street, and my heart hurt for the people who would say goodbye to a loved one today.

As I pulled away, the song playing on KLOVE Christian radio reached a point where the singer said "I'm alive..." and I thought, "I sure am thankful I'm alive at least one more day. Thank you, God, for my life".

As if that wasn't enough, when I pulled to a stop at the traffic light I noticed the personalized license plate of the SUV in front of me said...(are you ready for this?)...."SOLOVED". Wow! My first thought was "Yes, I am! Thank you Father for loving me so much, and I'm thankful for all the love in my life."

The light turned green and I followed the SUV through the intersection, still looking at that bold message. Tears began to flow from my eyes as I recalled one of the first Bible verses I learned and memorized in my childhood; John 3:16~For God SO LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I considered following the driver of the SUV just to say "thank you" for reminding me of God's love, but I didn't. I was afraid I might scare the person if I pulled up to their home or place of business, got out of my car and approached with tears streaming down my face.

Instead, I turned the corner onto my street and pulled into my parking spot. The tears continued to flow as I sat in my car for a few moments, listening to another song on the radio about how close our savior is. The lyrics were simple, yet powerful; 'If you're looking for a savior, all you gotta do is turn around'.

I grew even more thankful for my life; not just this one, that has so much love in it already, but for my everlasting life, which holds everlasting love from my Heavenly Father. It was incredible how much my heart was moved in just 5 short minutes, while running a morning errand.

Take time to look around you today, and notice how God is communicating to you. Take note of all the good in your life. And if all you can see is what's missing, if you're looking for a savior....all you gotta do is turn around. God is always there, waiting for you to open your heart.

God bless you.