Friday, March 2, 2012


Life is full of powerful reminders of all we have to be thankful for, and all God has done for us. If we keep our eyes open, we will see them.

This morning on the way back from dropping my daughter off at school, I stopped at the post office to check my mail. As I was leaving, I noticed a man digging a new grave at the pretty little cemetery across the street, and my heart hurt for the people who would say goodbye to a loved one today.

As I pulled away, the song playing on KLOVE Christian radio reached a point where the singer said "I'm alive..." and I thought, "I sure am thankful I'm alive at least one more day. Thank you, God, for my life".

As if that wasn't enough, when I pulled to a stop at the traffic light I noticed the personalized license plate of the SUV in front of me said...(are you ready for this?)...."SOLOVED". Wow! My first thought was "Yes, I am! Thank you Father for loving me so much, and I'm thankful for all the love in my life."

The light turned green and I followed the SUV through the intersection, still looking at that bold message. Tears began to flow from my eyes as I recalled one of the first Bible verses I learned and memorized in my childhood; John 3:16~For God SO LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I considered following the driver of the SUV just to say "thank you" for reminding me of God's love, but I didn't. I was afraid I might scare the person if I pulled up to their home or place of business, got out of my car and approached with tears streaming down my face.

Instead, I turned the corner onto my street and pulled into my parking spot. The tears continued to flow as I sat in my car for a few moments, listening to another song on the radio about how close our savior is. The lyrics were simple, yet powerful; 'If you're looking for a savior, all you gotta do is turn around'.

I grew even more thankful for my life; not just this one, that has so much love in it already, but for my everlasting life, which holds everlasting love from my Heavenly Father. It was incredible how much my heart was moved in just 5 short minutes, while running a morning errand.

Take time to look around you today, and notice how God is communicating to you. Take note of all the good in your life. And if all you can see is what's missing, if you're looking for a savior....all you gotta do is turn around. God is always there, waiting for you to open your heart.

God bless you.


  1. Chere, isn't it great that nothing can separate us from God's love? Life is truly a precious gift we receive each day.

    1. Mike, Indeed! Where would we be without the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father and the life He so graciously gives? I like the idea of opening a "gift" each day; thanks for the great mind picture :)

      God bless you
