I recently read some suggestions on different ways to be inspired, and wanted to share some of them with you. Smile, as often as possible, even when you don't feel like it. Just the act of smiling will change your day. Tell someone you love them, and mean it. Allow someone to express love to you. They may need to give as much as you need to receive. Do something nice for someone in need and allow others to do for you. Treat yourself to an uplifting move, a poetry reading, an event, or an experience with others that opens your heart. Make a list of things you would love to do if you had the time, money, and energy. Allow yourself to daydream that they all come true!
Make a wish or say a prayer, and in that moment, believe it can be so. Watch a movie or have a fun moment with a loved one that makes you laugh, and laugh some more. Put on your favorite music and dance, or just listen. Watch children at play. Take a moment to appreciate the spirit and joy they express, and the way they live in the present. Take a walk to a special place that makes you feel connected to nature. Acknowledge at least five experiences or people in your life that you are grateful for. Express gratitude to anyone on your list. Read a book or inspirational quotes that help you to believe in the magic of life. Watch the sunrise and sunset.
That's 14 ways to be inspired...two weeks worth, if you choose to do one a day. I think I'm going to make this a project. At the end of the two weeks, I'm willing to bet I'll have discovered even more ways to be inspired...something every writer, artist, and singer/songwriter seeks on a regular basis. Truth be told, most everyone needs a shot of inspiration now and then, not just the "artistic types".
The Bible promises that as we give we will receive, according to the measure we give, pressed down, shaken together and running over. God keeps His promises. The more we give, the more room we make for God to fill us up with His blessings. I love to give! I'm looking forward to reaping the harvest.
God bless you
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